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Grips, earrings: PIEZUS
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Phone: +7 (495) 796-92-20
E-mail: zakaz@piezus.ru
URL: piezus.ru
Country: Russia
Region: Москва
Address: 42-5, Volgogradsky prospect, Suite I #1, floor 1, Moscow, post code 109316, Russian Federation
Contact person: Anastasiya

Piezus company is a russian developer, manufacturer and supplier of pressure and level transmitters. Using modern technology and advantages of native producers, PIEZUS company offers consumers a wide range of products allowing to cope with almost any task in the field of pressure and level measurement. Our product line is presented by general purpose and industry-specific solutions in oil and gas producing, food and processing industries, as well as HVAC, shipbuilding, aircraft industry and Russian Railways. Our narrow specialization allows to focus on most advanced technology development and production of devices for pressure and level measurement. Products are manufactured on modern element base, pressure transmitters and hydrostatic level transmitters have a 5-year calibration interval which proves high quality and reliability of PIEZUS products. New development, continuous improvement of existing products, qualified service and technical support are key priorities of PIEZUS company.

Продукция компании (раздел: "Измерение, контроль и регулирование давления")





































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